Dawn Staley being woke again

9,051 Views | 96 Replies | Last: 1 mo ago by TinFoilHatPreacherBear
Team America
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Brusinbear2001 said:

yeah but randomly in a post game what do you expect to do, she obviously didn't get to prep for that or anything so i think she gave her honest answer. It hasn't happened so it doesn't matter what she thinks but just like everyone on this app has an opinion she is also allowed to have one as well. No this isn't at you but at everyone else posting on this and trying to tear her down.

Last weekend people hated that she praised the lord after a game and this time she is to liberal because of her opinions on transgender athletes playing sports. Regardless you can never make anyone happy so live by your own set of values and what you want your life to be.

Iowa's coach handled it perfectly:

"I understand it's a topic that people are interested in," Bluder said, according to ESPN's Katie Barnes. "But today my focus is on the game tomorrow, my players. It's an important game we have tomorrow
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Scumbags? That's really your Christian approach?
! Name calling has become too okay.
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Cp2310 said:

I consider myself woke because

I believe all men and women are created equal even though some folks don't

Not until men get pregnant

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well that is great for her!! She answered it and for the people that support that agree and the people that don't don't. It's life and it goes on regardless what is said. Some people will lose sleep on it others will not.
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How long it took Staley to answer the question and her tone when answering is telling. If you gave her truth serum, she would say it is insane that biological males are competing against females. However, she has to toe the liberal company line. I would say that most sane Democrats would also feel biological males should not be allowed to compete if you gave them truth serum, but they all have to say otherwise out of mob fear. Thank God the highest level, the Olympics, has common sense.

That reporter is a complete ass for asking that question, obviously trying to create controversy/distraction on the eve of the national championship.
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You need to be banned from this site. I have never read anything that makes as much sense as this post. Just can't have it!
6’8’’ 315 RF WOODLANDS
Big boy is going to put some hurt on big 12 foes
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Boooo this woman !
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BUrbon said:

Boooo this woman !

Yah booo! She is so vile! And she praised some god after winning the championship! She needs to shut her mouth and just stick to coaching basketball!
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Chibears2 said:

Scumbags? That's really your Christian approach?
! Name calling has become too okay.

Brood of vipers work for you?

Love when the progressive religionists try to use their made up version of Christianity as a "gotcha"response to a truthful argument.

So lets keep it simple for you progressives - The media talking heads and people promoting biological males competing with biological females are Scumbags with a capital S. So if you are a supporter of such an asinine agenda, you are either a scumbag or an idiotic lemming who will trample women athletes in the name of your false progressive religion. Only two options - scumbag or lemming.
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Allowing biological men to compete against women will immediately destroy women's team sports and will eventually destroy women's individual sports.
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Like the virtue signaling ladies of the US women's national soccer team Staley took the bait. The way things are heading, more and more biological males are going to seep into women's sports. And if people like Staley get their way in a few decades few biological women will be playing women's professional sports lol. If the trans hysteria had started 50 years ago Staley may not have got to play or coach at a high level. I don't understand how short sighted some people are. Create a new division!
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Cp2310 said:

It's a serious question. Whenever someone calls someone woke I always ask them to define it. For some reason I never get a definition.

Disingenuous much?
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historian said:

Brownbw said:

Cp2310 said:

It's a serious question. Whenever someone calls someone woke I always ask them to define it. For some reason I never get a definition.
examples might be
California new age
Man can be a women if he thinks he is
Men can play women's sports if they feel kind of feminine
We need to close down the petroleum industry because of global warming
Airplanes need to be outlawed because they are too loud when they fly overhead
There are plenty more examples but not sure I know a good definition that doesn't involve the word stupid. Don't know if this helps but I tried

All too often, it seems, those who are woke are advocating the most asinine (aka stupid) ideas & policies such as some of the examples listed above. It's a modern term to identify Leftists because they have worn out some of the old labels: "liberal" (improperly defined), politically correct, etc. The old terms are still used, especially "liberal," but many people realize how dangerous the ideas are.

Yeah it's always interesting how the lefties hate being labeled that because they know it's true and exactly what it is even though it's of course nihilistic to themselves.

Those that know have always known and those that don't never will

Woke on wokies!!!! It's pure entertainment

Since they get all geeked out about definitions, please define woman.
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Brownbw said:

You need to be banned from this site. I have never read anything that makes as much sense as this post. Just can't have it!

Thanks. No doubt there are someone who want to do that.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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ChapBear said:

Allowing biological men to compete against women will immediately destroy women's team sports and will eventually destroy women's individual sports.

… while causing physical harm to women who still try to compete. Heaven forbid, but eventually a misogynistic fake woman might kill a real woman unintentionally. The more physical the sport the greater the likelihood. If I'm not mistaken, fake women are already competing in hockey & boxing. It doesn't require much imagination to see how that could be extremely dangerous. Heck, if Dawn Staley were taken seriously & men played women's basketball that would be very dangerous.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Don't create a new division. Punish the cheaters and restore sanity to sports. The fact that Riley Gaines (the swimmer who was cheated by the fake woman at Penn State) & others are suing the NCAA over this could lead to a solution. Let's hope it's the correct one snd that it's soon.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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Fre3dombear said:

historian said:

Brownbw said:

Cp2310 said:

It's a serious question. Whenever someone calls someone woke I always ask them to define it. For some reason I never get a definition.
examples might be
California new age
Man can be a women if he thinks he is
Men can play women's sports if they feel kind of feminine
We need to close down the petroleum industry because of global warming
Airplanes need to be outlawed because they are too loud when they fly overhead
There are plenty more examples but not sure I know a good definition that doesn't involve the word stupid. Don't know if this helps but I tried

All too often, it seems, those who are woke are advocating the most asinine (aka stupid) ideas & policies such as some of the examples listed above. It's a modern term to identify Leftists because they have worn out some of the old labels: "liberal" (improperly defined), politically correct, etc. The old terms are still used, especially "liberal," but many people realize how dangerous the ideas are.

Yeah it's always interesting how the lefties hate being labeled that because they know it's true and exactly what it is even though it's of course nihilistic to themselves.

Those that know have always known and those that don't never will

Woke on wokies!!!! It's pure entertainment

Since they get all geeked out about definitions, please define woman.

Anyone who has not seen Matt Walsh's documentary, "What Is a Woman?" should watch at as possible. It is informative and eye-opening. It also has some humor and ends perfectly.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Chibears2 said:

Scumbags? That's really your Christian approach?
! Name calling has become too okay.

Brood of vipers work for you?

Love when the progressive religionists try to use their made up version of Christianity as a "gotcha"response to a truthful argument.

So lets keep it simple for you progressives - The media talking heads and people promoting biological males competing with biological females are Scumbags with a capital S. So if you are a supporter of such an asinine agenda, you are either a scumbag or an idiotic lemming who will trample women athletes in the name of your false progressive religion. Only two options - scumbag or lemming.

For those fringe that support this, what is their rationale? I've never heard them explain it when I've asked. I get some weird mumbled answer which suggest they just feel obligated to support it because that's what their "team" tells them to do.
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If you are asking why so many people support men competing in women's sports, my guess is politics. Unfortunately there are some who may really believe the lies and have completely drunk the Kool-Aid. Truth & logic don't have much sway with them or with the delusional.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
Mitch Blood Green
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Why are reporters asking questions that aren't relevant to the game?
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Cp2310 said:

It's a serious question. Whenever someone calls someone woke I always ask them to define it. For some reason I never get a definition.

They are too busy virtue signaling to folks on the right. What happened to the party of Reagan? So sad.
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Fre3dombear said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Chibears2 said:

Scumbags? That's really your Christian approach?
! Name calling has become too okay.

Brood of vipers work for you?

Love when the progressive religionists try to use their made up version of Christianity as a "gotcha"response to a truthful argument.

So lets keep it simple for you progressives - The media talking heads and people promoting biological males competing with biological females are Scumbags with a capital S. So if you are a supporter of such an asinine agenda, you are either a scumbag or an idiotic lemming who will trample women athletes in the name of your false progressive religion. Only two options - scumbag or lemming.

For those fringe that support this, what is their rationale? I've never heard them explain it when I've asked. I get some weird mumbled answer which suggest they just feel obligated to support it because that's what their "team" tells them to do.

The ones on this site that have supported the nonsense will soon be pretending that they never did or will just hide the fact that they did. They are nothing but progressive religionists that can't think for themselves, they only think what their TV talking heads tell them to think.

Imagine being so insane that you can't see how cruel and unfair it is to have men compete with women in female sports. The sad thing is that if you were to somehow be able to go back several years in time and tell these same people that they were going to support and cheer men (pretending they are women) athletes competing against and beating women athletes in female sports, those same people would laugh at the silliness of the idea. But here they are following their progressive religion and programmed by the media. They can't explain it because they have been programmed to believe something unfair and illogical.

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BUAL said:

Cp2310 said:

It's a serious question. Whenever someone calls someone woke I always ask them to define it. For some reason I never get a definition.

They are too busy virtue signaling to folks on the right. What happened to the party of Reagan? So sad.

OK old timer, you think that the party of Reagan wouldn't be laughing at the ridiculousness of the progressive political religion? To answer your question, the party of Reagan would be denouncing the modern progressive crazy train.
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Cp2310 said:

lol actually no. Woke is woke. ALL of the topics you listed are somewhere in the woke spectrum. Since there is no concrete definition of woke then we ALL get to decide on our own what it means and bring it into any so called woke conversations.
I agree with this and your definition of woke.
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historian said:

If you are asking why so many people support men competing in women's sports, my guess is politics. Unfortunately there are some who may really believe the lies and have completely drunk the Kool-Aid. Truth & logic don't have much sway with them or with the delusional.
True…You can't use logic to get someone out of a position that they didn't use logic to get themselves into.
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IowaBear said:

Question was definitely dumb.
I'll get flak but I've always been of the opinion biological guys should play against other biological guys. For the obvious competitive reasoning
No brainer
Bone Squad
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For Staley and others who hold this opinion, I always wish someone would follow up with the corollary question. If you had a biological female on the team, and they came forwarded and stated that they identify as a man, would you kick them off of your women's basketball team? If you are being consistent, you would have to, right?
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Cp2310 said:

Please define"woke" for me.
A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.
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IowaBear said:

Question was definitely dumb.
I'll get flak but I've always been of the opinion biological guys should play against other biological guys. For the obvious competitive reasoning
Incredible to me anyone would get "flak" over such a common sense opinion, but these are the times we live in.
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Honestly thought the comment would get way more flak on here. Hasn't gotten any which is a pleasant surprise haha
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Always the name calling lol. Most woke folks only find injustice where there is injustice. I guess if you don't believe in the in the injustice being discussed then you believe everyone discussing it is stupid.
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Cp2310 said:

I consider myself woke because
I believe women should get equal pay to men
I believe that a woman should have 100% control of her body
I believe all men and women are created equal even though some folks don't
I believe that global warming is real
I believe Black Lives Matter ALSO because some think they don't
I believe in common sense gun control. Background checks
I believe that SOME police DO NOT need to be police officers because they are in it for the wrong reason.
Finally I believe the term woke is used as a catch all boogy man for things conservatives don't like.
1. everyone agrees with this but there are multiple layers to why they often aren't
2. agree except for when it comes to murdering babies. And Covid proves this argument of yours is flawed.
3. no one thinks they aren't. Just those that recognize facts that men and women are built differently and men are typically stronger, faster, bigger, etc.
4. no one says it isn't. They just disagree on how big of an impact man has on causing it or ability to fix it.
5. No one believes they don't. Well except folks like you that are ok with black babies being murdered and calling it abortion/women's rights, etc. Or the black kids being murdered in gang wars.
6. Everyone claims this but no one can expand on it. Background checks are ALREADY required.
7. Most would agree as this applies to ANY profession.

Funny you would talk about boogy man when your post is full of them.
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Fre3dombear said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Chibears2 said:

Scumbags? That's really your Christian approach?
! Name calling has become too okay.

Brood of vipers work for you?

Love when the progressive religionists try to use their made up version of Christianity as a "gotcha"response to a truthful argument.

So lets keep it simple for you progressives - The media talking heads and people promoting biological males competing with biological females are Scumbags with a capital S. So if you are a supporter of such an asinine agenda, you are either a scumbag or an idiotic lemming who will trample women athletes in the name of your false progressive religion. Only two options - scumbag or lemming.

For those fringe that support this, what is their rationale? I've never heard them explain it when I've asked. I get some weird mumbled answer which suggest they just feel obligated to support it because that's what their "team" tells them to do.
Which is how I felt about Staley's answer. It just didn't seem very believable to me, but I would venture to say she leans left, which is what THAT team wants you to say. So she said it. One thing about lefties; they always stick together no matter what.
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Dawn Staley WOKE up a national champion. Is that what yall are reffering to?
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Cp2310 said:

Always the name calling lol. Most woke folks only find injustice where there is injustice. I guess if you don't believe in the in the injustice being discussed then you believe everyone discussing it is stupid.
To the contrary, if our society has proven anything these last few years, it is that there is a large body of Americans that can find grievances in almost anything, which they not only use as an excuse to justify their own illicit behavior, but also use as a cudgel to bash other racial or socioeconomic groups over the head, all in the name of "equality" of course.

I don't think you guys would know real injustice if it bit you in the ass.
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